Pushing the limits, breaking records

Our Team

We are a team of 7 students, aged 13 to 14, from Karl-Maybach Gymnasium in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance, participating annually in the international multidisciplinary technology competition "F1 in Schools". The team nextgenerat1on has successfully taken part in the competition in previous years and has earned many awards and placements. This year, by combining the skills of our team members, we aim to pursue and bring new ideas and concepts to life. Our goal is to be the next generation of the best team on the racetrack and bring the title home.

The car

Designed in Fusion 360 by our constructor Vlad, it is set out to be the fastest on track.

our Sponsors





instgram: team.nextgenerat1on
mail to: team@nextgenerat1on.de